Dayton’s drinking water systems have layers of security designed to prevent hacking, officials say

News Highlights: Dayton’s drinking water systems have layers of security designed to prevent hacking, officials say

“This is what we do,” Powell said.

The SCADA of the city of Xenia water treatment plant is also not connected to the Internet for security reasons, said Joe Bates, water treatment supervisor.

A hacker gained access to the system that controls the water treatment plant of an Oldsmar, a Florida city of 15,000 residents, and attempted to contaminate the water supply with a caustic chemical, exposing a hazard that cybersecurity experts say has grown as systems both become more automated as more accessible via the internet.

The hacker who broke the system at the Oldsmar city water treatment plant on Friday using a remote access program shared by factory workers briefly increased the amount of sodium hydroxide by a factor of a hundred (from 100 parts per million to 11,100 parts per million), Sheriff Bob Gualtieri of Pinellas County said during a news conference Monday.

Experts say municipal water and other systems have the potential to be an easy target for hackers, as local governments’ computing infrastructure is often underfunded.

Robert M. Lee, CEO of Dragos Security, and a specialist in industrial operating system vulnerabilities, said remote access to industrial operating systems such as those …

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