Fake Cryptomining Apps Stole Over $350K From Android Users

Cryptomining has become a lucrative industry, growing more and more mainstream. Now, attackers are trying to grab a bit of that cash with apps that claim to automate it. But when downloaded, the apps don’t do anything except take your money. 

Lookout found that a total of 172 apps, including 25 on Google Play, promised users cloud-based cryptomining services for a fee. In truth, those apps never delivered those services.

Take a look at how these apps succeeded in stealing over $350,000 from nearly 100,000 victims.

Inside the BitScam and CloudScam Apps

Lookout did a deep dive into two types of apps, which they sorted into the BitScam and CloudScam families. All of these used a similar code base and design as one another despite advertising different cryptomining operations.

“They are simply shells to collect money for services that don’t exist,” Lookout reported. 

Lookout’s researchers observed that whoever had created the BitScam apps had done so using a framework that didn’t require programming experience. Both apps asked users to use Google Play’s in-app billing system to purchase cryptomining subscriptions and services. BitScam also allowed users to pay using bitcoin and Ethereum.

Once installed, the apps loaded a dashboard that displayed a fake hash mining rate as well as the amount of coins that the users had supposedly earned. They also informed users that they could increase their hash mining rate by purchasing other services or subscription upgrades.

It was all a ruse, of course. The in-app updates did nothing to change the mining ‘rate’ either.

What’s more, the apps prevented users from withdrawing any of their mined ‘coins’. The programs displayed a message saying that the withdrawal was pending, but in the background, the apps reset the user’s coin balance to zero.

Other Fake Cryptomining Apps

While cryptocurrency is in the public eye more now than when it began, this kind of app has been around for years. Back in 2018, for instance, security researcher Lukas Stefanko discovered four apps that all impersonated cryptocurrency services. They leveraged that guise to steal users’ cryptocurrency wallet…
