This 30-Second Wi-Fi Hack Can Boost Broadband’s Speed, Virgin Media Says

Wi-Fi issues can be frustrating and difficult to diagnose. Many everyday objects and factors can interfere with your signal, causing slow speeds and disconnections. Identifying and addressing these can significantly improve your Wi-Fi performance.

According to Virgin Media, there’s a simple trick to improve your Wi-Fi’s speed in just 30 seconds.

The Power of Rebooting

This 30-Second Wi-Fi Hack Can Boost Broadband's Speed, Virgin Media Says

(Photo : Compare Fibre from Unsplash)

Virgin Media told customers that their broadband speed can improve using the 30-second Wi-Fi tip. It’s also important to know what objects obstruct the signal.

If you’ve addressed physical obstructions and your Wi-Fi issues persist, there might be a simple yet effective solution: reboot your router. 

As per UK-based online publication The Sun, Virgin Media suggests that rebooting can help by clearing the router’s memory of outdated data and resolving processing bottlenecks. This can be especially beneficial if your router hasn’t been restarted in a while. Simply turn off the router for 10 seconds and then power it back on.

“The hub can take five to 10 minutes to reboot,” Virgin Media warns the customers.

The company adds that when the white light on the hub’s front is turned on, that’s the sign that the connection is “back up and running.”

“The white light is at the front for a Hub3 and a Hub5. For the Hub4 this will be the light ring around the hub,” it adds.

Related Article: Virgin Media’s Urgent Wi-Fi Safety Alert for Enhanced Router Security in 2024

Common Household Items that Obstruct Wi-Fi Signals

Several household items can disrupt your Wi-Fi signal, often without you realizing it. These include:

  • Microwaves: When in use, they can interfere with Wi-Fi signals.
  • Baby Monitors: They operate on similar frequencies as Wi-Fi.
  • Fish Tanks: Water can absorb Wi-Fi signals, reducing their strength.
  • Mirrors: Reflective surfaces can block or scatter signals.
  • Bluetooth Devices: They can create interference, especially if they are close to the router.
  • Cordless Phones: These often operate on frequencies that can disrupt Wi-Fi.

Optimal Router Placement

The location of your router has a huge role when it comes to signal strength….
