Cyber Security Practices For Remote Working

The world of work has been undergoing significant changes even as companies aim to recruit more talent and create business continuity plans. Trends such as hybrid working have become common, particularly with the widespread adoption of remote working.

Employees are gaining more interest in work positions that are remotely operated. In a January 2023 report by stated that listings for remote position rose from 12% to 20% between 2021 and 2022.

However, remote work poses a unique challenge for information security since a remote working environment does not have the same safeguards as offices. Employees need to learn the different methods of ensuring that they minimize the probability of cyber-attacks.


Always Work on Work Computers


A mistake that many people do when working from home is use their personal computers to complete “minor” work projects. This is especially if your work computer is in a different room. Such dealings introduce a risk for the company and company data.

If you work with a company that has a good IT department, they may be running regular updates, security checks, and blocking malicious sites on the work computers without your knowledge. For example, developers use different forms of testing including SAST and DAST to test whether their application are vulnerable to attack.

By using your personal computer, you introduce the risk of being an easy target, as high chances are that you do not follow the same protocols as work computers. Without the various security measures running in the background, your personal computer is not safe to operate on work data.

If the employer gives you access to a remote access such as Office 365, you can opt to operate online. Desist from downloading files or syncing emails with your personal device, as it is always recommended to separate your personal and work-related business.

Use Antivirus and Internet Security Software 


One of the best investments you could make for security at home is a comprehensive antivirus suite.

The estimated cost of cybercrime is expected to rise to 13.82 trillion USD in 2028 across the globe. This figure might even be higher…
