Cybercrime: Data leaks at Apple and T-Mobile, rumors about Jira exploit

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A well-known cyber crook is currently trying to sell Apple and Telekom internal data on the darknet. The same actor is also offering a zero-day exploit for Atlassian’s Jira ticketing system for sale. Is this a strange coincidence, a deliberate false trail or is there a connection between the three sales offers?


Apparently, the attacker with the pseudonym “IntelBroker” penetrated the internal systems of a contractor or Apple itself and stole configuration files and source code for Jira and Confluence plugins. However, he or she does not seem to estimate their value particularly highly – the purchase price of the equivalent of just under three euros does not indicate a one-off treasure trove of data. In a technical analysis of the data, the security experts at AHCTS also point out that it is mainly unspectacular data. Some configuration files contain access data in plain text, but negative effects on Apple customers are not to be expected. Apple has not yet commented.

IntelBroker offers internal Apple data for a small price.

(Image: Screenshot / heise security)

The experts also found contact details of a US company in the files, which apparently developed the plugins. AHCTS was unable to determine beyond doubt whether the leak occurred there or at the software and hardware giant from Cupertino.

The US branch of the Bonn-based communications group has also suffered a data leak. In addition to many files in Jira’s own SIL format (Simple Issue Language) and SQL dumps, the file list also…
