Cybersecurity for musicians and the music industry

Cybersecurity for musicians and the music industry

Musicians have a lot on their plates, from writing songs, branding, marketing, preparing for performances, and much more. However, you are likely on your phone and computer, but you haven’t thought much about cybersecurity.

This may be an innocent mistake that can be costly no matter if you have an individual Youtube channel or have content hosted on well-known streaming websites that are believed to be safe. So, improving your cybersecurity should be an important consideration as you cannot afford to overlook it.

What is cybersecurity, and why is it essential to musicians?

Cybersecurity is the act of protecting internet-enabled systems like software, hardware, and data from unauthorized access and digital attacks.

Technology is advancing rapidly, and data has become the new gold. Therefore, cybercriminals are devising new ways to steal your work, personal and financial information to sell to third parties. An attack can be devastating to your career, especially if you store your music data on your phone or computer.

Your name will become more prominent as your popularity rises as a musician. As a result, hackers will be aware of your existence and may target you more than an average citizen. So, you should pay attention to cybersecurity to safeguard yourself, the music business, and your career.

The importance of awareness

Hackers and other malicious actors may specifically target you because of the increased public attention. Therefore, it is vital to know the common social engineering tactics cybercriminals use.

Social engineering manipulation exists in many forms to make you fall into the scheme. For example, a fraudster can email you claiming to represent a government agency like the IRS. This is meant to convince you to act promptly to what they are asking for without questioning the validity. Also, they can create a fake celebrity profile on social media platforms such as Facebook and friend request you.

Knowing the existing cyber threats will help you prepare better and avoid them. Here are some of the most common attacks that can affect your music career.

1. Phishing

This is one of the most common cyberattacks where the criminal…
