How to Secure Your SMB’s Devices and Network

  • Criminal hackers gain unauthorized access to networks and devices to steal sensitive data, including financial information and company secrets.
  • Use firewalls and antivirus software and follow best practices around computer use to protect your business.
  • Protect mobile devices by turning off Bluetooth when not in use, being mindful of the Wi-Fi networks you connect to, and using security applications to improve monitoring and protection.
  • This article is for business leaders and IT admins seeking ways to protect their devices and networks from hackers. 

The World Wide Web’s growth in the 1990s introduced new possibilities and spawned new industries. However, connectivity also brought new threats. Spam infiltrated email accounts, and computer viruses wreaked havoc on business networks. Hacking emerged, extending the definition of thievery to include infiltrating computers to steal personal information and tricking people into revealing private data. Business secrets, bank account credentials and even people’s identities were at risk.

Unfortunately, hacking threats are even more severe and complex today. The stakes become higher the more businesses rely on technology. Fortunately, organizations have multiple ways to help defend themselves — and protect crucial data — from hackers. 

How can you secure your computer from hackers?

Despite the prevalence of hacking threats like ransomware, business email compromise scams and data breaches, most businesses rely on the internet for a number of things. This includes: tracking finances, ordering and maintaining inventory, conducting marketing and PR campaigns, connecting with customers, using social media, and performing critical operations. Massive computer breaches affect big corporations with robust security measures. However, hackers also target small businesses that may underestimate cybercrime risks and lack the resources to employ expensive cybersecurity solutions.

Lax cybersecurity standards can derail a company. To give your business the best chance of preventing and mitigating cyberattacks, follow these tips to protect your devices and safeguard sensitive data.

Cyberattacks are costly for small businesses. You may need to pay…
