Is cyber technology the perfect weapon?

The traditional approaches and technologies used to combat threats to national security have become outdated and ineffective in the digital age. Information is now as valuable as physical assets, with a nation’s digital footprint containing both public and personal information. Unfortunately, cyber and data espionage has become increasingly prevalent in recent years, posing a significant risk to sensitive information. Cyberattack vectors have tripled in the past five years, and malicious actors have become more sophisticated in their methods. The use of cyber warfare as a primary mode of attack is a growing concern, with almost every nation, regardless of its level of development or location, engaging in it. The dissemination of propaganda and disinformation through social media has added a new dimension to this unholy war.

There are several ways in which cyberattacks can harm a nation, including shutting down energy grids, disrupting air and ground traffic, planting spyware in critical systems, and hacking into financial institutions to steal sensitive information. If personal information is compromised, it could be used for profiling purposes by foreign agencies, jeopardising national security. Even the possibility of losing access to one’s bank accounts, emails, and social media accounts is a worrisome scenario.

The potential for cyber-attacks to cause severe damage has grown exponentially. The question arises whether cyber is the perfect weapon, given its ability to penetrate almost any system and remain undetected. Firstly, it is important to understand what is meant by “perfect weapon”. In traditional warfare, a perfect weapon would be one that is effective, efficient and has minimal collateral damage. It would also ideally be easily deployable and relatively easy to acquire. When it comes to cyber warfare, these same criteria can be applied. However, there are additional considerations that come into play due to the unique nature of cyber-attacks.

One of the key features of cyber warfare the perfect weapon is its ability to remain anonymous. Unlike conventional weapons, cyber-attacks can be carried out remotely without the need for physical access…
