Ransomware attack targets global Lutheran group | Yle News

Finland’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is a major member of the hacked global Christian organisation.

Close-up of ornate green and white cathedral cupola.

In Finland, the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Orthodox Church have legal status as state-supported national churches. Image: Henrietta Hassinen / Yle

The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) has fallen victim to cyber extortion, Finnish news agency STT reports on Sunday.

The Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church is one of the largest members of the LWF, a global Lutheran organisation.

Earlier this month perpetrators carried out ransomware attacks on the federation and released screenshots of the captured material, including images of people’s passports.

Responding to STT via email, the LWF confirmed that it was aware of the extortion attempt. The federation, however, declined to comment on how many individuals’ information had been compromised or whether there were Finns among this group.

Some 65 percent of people in Finland belong to the country’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.

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