Safer Internet Day 2022 – Keep Everyone Safe Online

Safer Internet Day 2022 lands on February 8. Safer Internet Day began as an EU SafeBorders project in 2004. The baton was then passed to the Insafe network in 2005, and the event is now celebrated in roughly 200 countries and territories across the world.    

The event raises awareness for relevant emerging issues concerning social networking, digital identity, cyberbullying, and more. Here, we will explore the various concerns addressed at Safer Internet Day 2022 across the world and its difference. 

About Safer Internet Day  

Safer Internet Day Committees were introduced in 2009, and there are now more than 100 SID Committees working together for a better internet.  

Each of these committees has its areas of focus, and their plans can be viewed at the Safer Internet Day website. You can also access their websites and relevant links through the portal.

Safer Internet Day 2022

Image SourceSaferinternetday 

(Find out what initiatives are being implemented in your own country and across the world at the Safer Internet Day website.)  

The Safer Internet Day Coordination Team works together with the individual SID Committees and is located in Brussels, at the heart of the European Union. Their activity now extends well beyond the borders of Europe with Committees and other organizations and supporters. 

Issues Covered at Safer Internet Week 2022  

Each country has an area of focus based on relevant cultural issues. Here are some of the challenges that are being addressed across the world:  

  • Gaming addiction and relevant safety measures
  • Online safety and media literacy
  • How to handle misinformation
  • Illegal child abuse content
  • The educator’s role in the digital age
  • Online safety tips and safety guides

Why Safer Internet Week 2022?  

Raising awareness for a safer internet is a worthy cause. The statistics show us that, each year, cybersecurity concerns are only increasing, and that can put children, teens, educators, and organizations at risk. It can give way to many of the concerns already covered.  

Here are several relevant points:  

  •       PurpleSec reports that, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, cybercrime involving sophisticated phishing email schemes is up by…
