Tag Archive for: agent

DHS agent cites private medical history to deny Canadian entry into US

How did the U.S. Department of Homeland Security get hold of “confidential” medical records that indicated a wheelchair-bound Canadian woman’s “mental illness” episode, which was then used to refuse her entry into the United States? The case has sparked numerous heated online debates.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Russia says CIA agent caught trying to recruit spy – South China Morning Post

Russia says CIA agent caught trying to recruit spy
South China Morning Post
“On the night of May 13-14, a staff employee of the CIA, Ryan Christopher Fogle … was detained by counter-espionage organs of the Russian FSB while attempting to recruit an employee of one of the Russian special services,” the FSB said. “Recently

Espionage China – read more

Former FBI agent: All phone calls recorded, no digital communication secure

Last week, the press focused on Katherine Russell, the widow of Boston bombing suspect Tamarlan Tsarnaev, as officials have been trying to determine what she knew about the bombing.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Virtual avatar CBP agent Elvis screens travelers for lies at the border

Even though it’s been 35 years, some folks have a specific King of Rock-n-Roll in mind when they hear the name “Elvis.” However you might have a case of the Jailhouse Rock blues if the new Elvis catches you in a lie. That’s because this Elvis is AI; an android behind a touchscreen who questions people on behalf of U.S. Customs and Border (CBP) Protection to analyze potentially suspicious behavior and…
Ms. Smith’s blog