Tag Archive for: america

Shaming America in Europe, US Gov’t argues against citizens’ privacy protections

Due to the new privacy laws that the EU is working on, the ACLU’s Jay Stanley and Ben Wizner are in Europe. “Unlike the United States, Europe has a set of basic rules and institutions in place to protect individuals’ privacy, and is trying to update its existing rules and institutions for the digital age,” the ACLU wrote.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Lawfare › Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace are Challenging America … – Lawfare (blog)

Lawfare › Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace are Challenging America
Lawfare (blog)
With some hesitancy at the sense of shameless self-promotion it necessarily entails, I am very pleased to to announce today that my book Cyber Warfare: How Conflicts in Cyberspace are Challenging America and Changing the World is now available from

cyber warfare – read more

Chinese investments have business with America – The News Journal

Chinese investments have business with America
The News Journal
Chinese companies have been involved in worrisome activities, and the FBI has identified corporate espionage from China as a serious threat to U.S. competitiveness. IPO listings of Chinese firms on Wall Street are basically on lockdown following a

Espionage China – read more

How America wages cyber war in the shadows – MyBroadband


How America wages cyber war in the shadows
After a decade of costly conflict in Iraq and Afghanistan, the American way of war is evolving toward less brawn, more guile.
Drones, computers new weapons of US shadow wars3News NZ

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cyber warfare – read more