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iOS 7 will hop from one Wi-Fi hotspot to another, no password needed

We haven’t quite hit the stage where phones and tablets can roam from any public Wi-Fi network to another as easily as they hop from one cell tower to another. But an attempt to create a network of hotspots supporting seamless handoffs got some more support yesterday with Apple’s announcement of iOS 7.

The new version of the operating system for iPhones and iPads will support the Wi-Fi Alliance’s Hotspot 2.0 specification. Apple didn’t talk about this during its Worldwide Developer Conference presentation, but the support for Hotspot 2.0 was confirmed on one of the slides shown during the presentation.

Hotspot 2.0 is the technology specification behind the Wi-Fi Alliance’s Passpoint certification program. As we wrote last year, the goal of Passpoint is to create a Wi-Fi extension of cellular networks, making it easier for service providers to offload traffic and give users faster Internet connections. Instead of typing in a password, a user could authenticate to the network automatically by virtue of owning a device with a SIM card. Passpoint-enabled devices within range of a Passpoint-supporting hotspot would automatically join it and get the benefit of WPA2 security.

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Cyber War: Another Epic Fail – Antiwar.com


Cyber War: Another Epic Fail
And if we're going to call this a “war,” well, it's another one we're well on the way to losing, despite the tens of billions of dollars the taxpayers have put into the waging. For his part, President Barack Obama will “raise the issue” of cyber
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The Growing Cyber Threat: Is Anyone Truly Safe?HSToday
FCW.com –Deutsche Welle –Department of Defense
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Microsoft: Office 2013 can now be transferred to another PC every 90 days

After an angry social media stinkfest brought on by Office 2013 licensing terms, Microsoft reviewed customer feedback and today announced a change in the EULA that will allow Office 2013 users to transfer the software from one computer to another once every 90 days.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Evernote hack forces 50 million to reset passwords & yet another new Java zero-day

The cloud-based note-syncing and productivity software service Evernote announced that attackers gained access to accounts’ usernames, email addresses and passwords, so 50 million Evernote customers are required to change their passwords.
Ms. Smith’s blog