Tag Archive for: Bond

What smartphone should James Bond use?

The unflappable and suave James Bond is known for impeccable taste in clothes, cars and cocktails. But what kind of smartphone should he use? Can he have style and security too?
Naked Security – Sophos

No bond for Chinese national accused of espionage in Charlotte – WCNC


No bond for Chinese national accused of espionage in Charlotte
Because it involves espionage and the Chinese government, all the paperwork on the case has been ordered sealed. Huang is alleged to have been paid money in the form of grants by the Chinese government and in return was to have provided proprietary …
Prosecutors accuse man with dual American, Chinese citizenship of economic WSOC Charlotte

all 17 news articles »

Espionage China – read more

China’s Industrial Espionage the Bond Villain in New Spy Thriller – The Epoch Times

China's Industrial Espionage the Bond Villain in New Spy Thriller
The Epoch Times
While the story is fiction, it's haunting theme hits uncomfortably close to home. The novel plays on the Chinese Communist Party's real-world use of industrial espionage and imagines what would happen if it were able to continue unchecked and

Espionage China – read more

Lock picking hotel rooms like James Bond

Have you ever envied James Bond for his ‘toys,’ his spy tools disguised as innocent objects? Is so, then you’ll be happy to know that for about $ 30 you can now build a pen-sized device that looks like a dry erase marker . . . but it will open about four to five million hotel keycard locks. Read more

Ms. Smith’s blog