Tag Archive for: CryptoLocker

US local police department pays CryptoLocker ransom

Police advice if you are hit by CryptoLocker is to take it on the chin, and not to pay up. That’s a pretty hard demand to make of anyone, and all but impossible to insist on for everybody, but you would at least expect the police themselves to follow it…
Naked Security – Sophos

CryptoLocker urgent alert – here’s how YOU can help!

The UK’s National Crime Agency has put out a CryptoLocker ransomware alert – the malware is still a huge problem, even after weeks of high profile coverage. Here’s what YOU can do to help prevent it…
Naked Security – Sophos

Adobe, Android and CryptoLocker – 60 Sec Security [VIDEO]

Which pets make the best/worst passwords? How many times did Google make the same coding blunder? Find out this and more in our one-minute wrapup of the week’s security lessons!
Naked Security – Sophos

CryptoLocker crooks charge 10 Bitcoins for second-chance decryption service

If you don’t win an online auction, sometimes you receive a “second chance offer” that costs whatever your highest bid was for an item.
Ms. Smith’s blog