Tag Archive for: emergency

Cyberwarfare Just Around the Corner – Emergency Management (blog)

Cyberwarfare Just Around the Corner
Emergency Management (blog)
US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta issued a warning to the business community and the nation that there are nation states probing our cyber defenses on every level and have the capacity and the will to do serious damage to our nation's critical

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IE emergency patch issued, but rumors fly that Microsoft knew about 0-day for 7 weeks

Microsoft released an out-of-cycle emergency patch for the Internet Explorer zero-day exploit that put computers at risk of Poison Ivy infections, a type of malware that can steal data or take remote control of PCs. Read more

Ms. Smith’s blog

Feds Warn of Zombie Apocalypse! Buy emergency kit, but you might be a terrorist if…

How do you kill a zombie? No, not a zombie process killed via command line, but the brain-eating kind. Boom, headshot! Right? Read more

Ms. Smith’s blog

Cyber Warfare – Emergency Management (blog)

Cyber Warfare
Emergency Management (blog)
Cyber war will cause us to reexamine all the rules and make new ones.
Cyber Warfare: Rising Risks And ImplicationsRisk WatchDog

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