Tag Archive for: GOVT.

CISPA: Experts agree, private info not needed for sharing cyber threats with gov’t

If you were given a cloak of absolute immunity and then tasked to share cybersecurity threat information, would you take the extra time to strip out all personally identifiable information (PII) before passing it on to the government? Although no judge will look over your shoulder, no warrant will be required, and no one will smack your hand for sharing sensitive user data that is not required, would…
Ms. Smith’s blog

Report: Gov’t Officials Facing Pressure for Cyberwarfare Leak – Democracy Now

Democracy Now

Report: Gov't Officials Facing Pressure for Cyberwarfare Leak
Democracy Now
In other whistleblower news, the Obama administration is reportedly intensifying its investigation of current and former government officials accused of leaking information about a major cyberweapons operation against Iran. The Washington Post is

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cyber warfare – read more

Shaming America in Europe, US Gov’t argues against citizens’ privacy protections

Due to the new privacy laws that the EU is working on, the ACLU’s Jay Stanley and Ben Wizner are in Europe. “Unlike the United States, Europe has a set of basic rules and institutions in place to protect individuals’ privacy, and is trying to update its existing rules and institutions for the digital age,” the ACLU wrote.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Google: Gov’t spying spiked & Microsoft leads the pack for copyright complaints

The United States is leading the race, but in this case, it’s a very bad thing. The race is actually “government requests for disclosure of user data from Google accounts or services.” The USA comes in first in government snooping with a total of 7,969 user data requests from January to June 2012, but that was tied into 16,281 user accounts. Google complied fully or at least in some degree with 90%…
Ms. Smith’s blog