Tag Archive for: insider’s

Best Practices to Manage the Risk of Data Breach Caused by Your Employees and Other Insiders – The National Law Review

Best Practices to Manage the Risk of Data Breach Caused by Your Employees and Other Insiders
The National Law Review
The good news is that many insider data breaches are preventable through a formalized, well-documented, and consistently applied insider threat program compliant with applicable law, including the screening, monitoring, and regular training of employees.

data breach – Google News

23Mbps down, 44 up: A tech insider’s view from the Super Bowl

When the lights went off at the Super Bowl during the big game’s infamous power outage, not everything went offline.

The stadium-wide Wi-Fi network kept working—or at least it did in some areas and for part of the outage. But it was a very old-school technology—a landline phone—that saved the day for Andrew Stern, a broadcast engineer for a San Francisco radio station.

After coming home from New Orleans, Stern gave me a rundown on how the Super Bowl’s technology held up. Was the Wi-Fi network as good as promised? Answer: yes. Did the 35-minute power outage cause problems? Answer: yes—but Stern and team found a way to manage.

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