Tag Archive for: Lies

Ethiopia: Disinformation in T-TPLF Land of Living Lies | nazret.com – Nazret.com


Ethiopia: Disinformation in T-TPLF Land of Living Lies | nazret.com
By Alemayehu G. Mariam Author's Note: This is the third successive commentary I have written on the intensifying T-TPLF disinformation campaign in Ethiopia.

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The shocking truth (and lies) about ESD

A participant in Reddit’s forum devoted to networking asks: “Has anyone here ever destroyed anything via ESD (electronic static discharge)?”

Oh, yes, indeed they have, as a sampling of the anecdotes will reveal, though there were also skeptics and one fellow who told me via email “that most failures claimed to be ESD-related are probably covers for something else.”

First time for everything

I recently had a user plug an HDMI cable into a Dell E7440. He was touching the shielding and a nice big blue spark jumped from the cable to the laptop and cooked the motherboard. It was the first time in 12 years doing IT that I’ve ever seen something die from ESD.

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Network World Paul McNamara

Virtual avatar CBP agent Elvis screens travelers for lies at the border

Even though it’s been 35 years, some folks have a specific King of Rock-n-Roll in mind when they hear the name “Elvis.” However you might have a case of the Jailhouse Rock blues if the new Elvis catches you in a lie. That’s because this Elvis is AI; an android behind a touchscreen who questions people on behalf of U.S. Customs and Border (CBP) Protection to analyze potentially suspicious behavior and…
Ms. Smith’s blog