Tag Archive for: Privacy

Implanted RFID chips to implanted invisible headphones: Modded bodies and privacy

There are some people who would not only embrace a robotic overlord, but would actually like to become that overlord. Enhancing humans through augmentation might be a fringe movement right now, but many people believe it is inevitably our future.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Ubuntu Privacy Remix 12.04 Verschlüsselung auf kompromittierten Systemen ist … – Golem.de

Ubuntu Privacy Remix 12.04 Verschlüsselung auf kompromittierten Systemen ist
in Computersysteme einbricht, von Microsoft Exklusiv-Zugriff auf noch nicht veröffentlichte Schwachstellen in Windows-Systemen bekommt und die eng mit der NSA kooperierenden deutschen Behörden sich die Trojaner-Software Finfisher/Finspy beschafft 

finspy – read more

Shocker: Despite domestic spying denials, NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times

Surprise, or not so much, the NSA “has broken privacy rules or overstepped its legal authority thousands of times each year” since 2008, according to documents leaked to the Washington Post from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Freedom Hosting arrest and takedown linked to Tor privacy compromise

The anonymising service Tor and the secretive web underworld operating under its shadowy cloak were rocked over the weekend by the arrest of a major hosting provider and suggestions that malicious JavaScript may have been planted on a number of sites, aimed at revealing the identities of those using Tor.
Naked Security – Sophos