Tag Archive for: Privacy

The ‘Privacy Dinosaur’ urges Facebook users to check their privacy settings

Users who haven’t adjusted their privacy settings will see the experimental dino-message whenever they attempt to share a status update, link or photo that would otherwise be visible to everyone, hopefully eliminating accidental public postings.
Naked Security – Sophos

Is Obama’s proposal to end NSA bulk collection of phone records really a privacy win?

A White House senior official said President Obama will call for an end to NSA bulk collection and storage of phone records. The Obama administration wants phone companies, not the NSA, to be responsible for storing bulk phone record metadata and for quickly handing over retained records if the government supplies a new type of surveillance court order.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Facebook’s online teen privacy argument challenged in California court

A long-running legal dispute that was settled is now bubbling up once again. Namely, the way that Facebook appropriates children and teen users’ names and photos for “Sponsored Story” ads when users “Like” something, regardless of whether such users want to be seen as endorsing the subject of their thumbs-upping.
Naked Security – Sophos

Your privacy is ‘very important’ says Microsoft after reading user’s emails and IMs

After twice hacking Microsoft and vowing to publish proof of Microsoft “spying” on email accounts and selling user data to Johnny Law Officer, the Syrian Electronic Army went public with monthly invoices showing what Microsoft charges the FBI for user data.
Ms. Smith’s blog