Tag Archive for: Speech

Secretary General gives keynote speech on NATO’s adaption to cyber threats – NATO HQ

  1. Secretary General gives keynote speech on NATO’s adaption to cyber threats  NATO HQ
  2. Russia running ‘global campaign’ of cyber warfare to target governments, Jeremy Hunt says  The Independent
  3. We’ll hack back at Russians, declare UK ministers in cyber-Blitz blitz  The Register
  4. ANALYSIS – NATO Cries Wolf Over Russia’s Cyberwarfare to Hide Own ‘Malicious’ Acts, Justify Existence  UrduPoint News
  5. ‘UK Gov’t’s Reputation When It Comes to Blaming Russia is Very Dubious’ – Journo  Sputnik International
  6. View full coverage on read more

“cyber warfare news” – read more

As A Final Fuck You To Free Speech On Tumblr, Verizon Blocked Archivists

By now, of course, you’re aware that the Verizon-owned Tumblr (which was bought by Yahoo, which was bought by Verizon and merged into “Oath” with AOL and other no longer relevant properties) has suddenly decided that nothing sexy is allowed on its servers. This took many by surprise because apparently a huge percentage of Tumblr was used by people to post somewhat racy content. Knowing that a bunch of content was about to disappear, the famed Archive Team sprung into action — as they’ve done many times in the past. They set out to archive as much of the content on Tumblr that was set to be disappeared down the memory hole as possible… and it turns out that Verizon decided as a final “fuck you” to cut them off. Jason Scott, the mastermind behind the Archive Team announced over the weekend that Verizon appeared to be blocking their IPs:

On Sunday, Scott announced that the Archive Team has figured out a way to get past the blocks:

Still, this is a pretty fucked up thing for Verizon to do. It’s one thing to decide to completely change the kind of content you host. That’s their call. But, at the very least, allow the people who focus on archiving the internet for historical purposes the chance to actually do what they do best. Blocking the Archive Team is a truly obnoxious move, cementing Verizon’s reputation as really not caring one bit about the damage the company does.

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Another Zombie Bad Idea That Just Won’t Die: Copyright Small Claims Court Would Be A Free Speech Disaster

Going all the way back to 2012, we were highlighting why a copyright “small claims court” might be problematic. It’s been in discussion for a long, long time. There are some legitimate complaints from copyright holders that bringing a federal case is kind of expensive. But that’s because it should be expensive. When Congress got serious about this issue back in 2016, we wrote about how it would be a huge tool for copyright trolls. Earlier this year lawyer Cathy Gellis explained how the law was a total disaster, in that it was built with the assumption that all copyright claims are legitimate ones. But that’s a laughable claim — as copyright lawsuits (and threats of lawsuits) are quite frequently used either to just shake people down for money or as a way of suppressing free speech.

Make it even easier to sue over copyright, and you can bet that it will be used much more often — meaning with significantly more abuse.

We also had a guest post from lawyer Robert S. Schwartz, highlighting a very important point. One of the reasons why, historically, copyright law hasn’t been as big of a concern for suppressing free speech was because of copyright toleration. That is, even though basically everyone infringes on many people’s copyrights every single day, we’ve mostly “tolerated” many infringements, because common sense tells us that the law couldn’t have been meant for such things.

But, as we lower the barriers to filing a copyright lawsuit, we throw this “toleration” out the window, and, with it, we open the floodgates for censorship. Congress is, once again, considering creating a small claims court for copyright, HR 3945, or the CASE Act. The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the bill just last week, which mainly consisted of the same people saying the same things. You might have missed it, because it was happening at the same time as the Senate was holding it’s dog and pony show concerning Brett Kavanaugh.

As Katharine Trendacosta at EFF wrote last week, the concept behind this bill turns copyright and speech into speeding tickets:

…copyright claims should not be bulk-processed like traffic tickets—especially not when statutory damages under the CASE Act are so much higher than in traffic court, requiring no proof of actual harm. And especially not when the case won’t be heard by an actual judge, one whose job description doesn’t place copyright at the center of the legal universe.

During the hearing, proponents of the bill constantly pointed to the bill’s “opt-out” mechanism as the be-all, end-all answer to this problem. That argument very much misses the point. Proposed changes to CASE would add a second notice to be served to someone being accused of infringement under the new regime. That means the first notice to opt-out would look like spam and the second would like a legal summons, which people don’t traditionally have the option of opting out of.

The average person, faced with being served in the same way they would be for a real lawsuit, is not going to understand that they can opt out of this system. When people have enough trouble understanding how to challenge false DMCA notices, how are they going to know how to respond to a confusing summons from Washington, D.C.?

One of the participants at the hearing, CCIA’s Matt Schruers also highlighted how there’s no clear evidence that there’s some how a true “barrier” to filing copyright lawsuits today:

The idea that copyright plaintiffs are generally underserved by the existing remedies toolbox is somewhat difficult to reconcile with current data about copyright plaintiffs’ utilization of the federal court system. As I discussed with the Subcommittee in 2014, the statutory damages system has incentivized plaintiffs to inundate the federal litigation docket with instances of predatory enforcement, often referred to as copyright “trolling,” similar to the phenomenon of patent trolling. As one news publication noted, “[t]he existing digital copyright system has also led to claims of abuses, bizarre false positives, political censorship, and even fraud”. Some plaintiff misconduct that I identified in my 2014 testimony has led to criminal convictions.

Since we last discussed copyright remedies four years ago, these cases continue to clog federal courts. In 2014, I discussed the proliferation of multi-defendant John Doe complaints in federal copyright litigation, many of them involving pornography. At that time, recent research from Professor Matthew Sag found that these John Doe cases comprised the majority of copyright cases in over 20% of U.S. federal trial courts, and a third of federal copyright cases involved pornography. Today, the data shows that this problematic trend has continued. A 2018 article co-authored by Prof. Sag finds that John Doe suits by these serial litigants account for nearly half of all copyright cases filed in the U.S. from 2014 to 2016, including around 10,000 lawsuits, implicating hundreds of thousands of defendants,7 some wrongfully accused.

This is potentially a huge deal. While supporters of the bill keep insisting that this won’t have a huge impact, all of the evidence of how copyright law is already abused suggests otherwise. We live in a world where, every new piece of creative work since 1978 automatically gets a copyright. And, just as that was happening, the internet was growing and building a global network of connected computers, which basically are “copying” content all the time. Some of that is clearly unfair to the creators/copyright holders of those works. But much of it is purely innocent and harmless. And we’ve survived in that we let most of that go. But opening up a small claims effort will drastically change the equation, leading to much greater attempts to censor.

Unfortunately, many in Congress don’t seem to realize that this is already happening. As the EFF post notes:

Both some members of the House Judiciary Committee and entertainment industry witnesses during the hearing seem convinced that copyright trolls and the average small user who does not understand this process are “hypothetical.” Neither of these things is hypothetical. Lawsuits against individual Internet users alleging copyright infringement over BitTorrent networks—one of the most prolific types of copyright trolling—are just under half of all copyright lawsuits in the U.S. The plaintiffs in these cases pursue landlords and nursing home operators, elderly people with little or no knowledge of the Internet, and deployed military personnel. As is often the case in situations like these, the people hurt will not be major companies, but small businesses and individuals.

Copyright has long had an extremely uneasy balance with the First Amendment and free speech. The CASE Act and a small claims court for copyright would completely shift the way that balance works, massively tilting the scales away from free speech.

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High School Student’s Speech About Campus Sexual Assault Gets Widespread Attention After School Cuts Her Mic

It’s that time of year when kids are graduating from high school, and the age old tradition of the valedictorian speech is happening all around the country. While exciting for the kids, families and other students, these kinds of speeches are generally pretty quickly forgotten and certainly tend not to make the national news. However, in nearby Petaluma, California, something different is happening, all because a bunch of spineless school administration officials freaked out that the valedictorian, Lulabel Seitz, wanted to discuss sexual assault. During her speech, the school cut her mic when she started talking about that issue (right after talking about how the whole community had worked together and fought through lots of adversity, including the local fires that ravaged the area a few months back). Seitz has since posted the video of both her mic being cut off and then with her being filmed giving the entire speech directly to a camera.

And, of course, now that speech — and the spineless jackasses who cut the mic — are getting national news coverage. The story of her speech and the mic being cut has been on NPR, CBS, ABC, CNN, Time, the NY Post, the Washington Post and many, many more.

In the ABC story, she explains that they told her she wasn’t allowed to “go off script” (even pulling out of a final exam to tell her they heard rumors she was going to go off speech and that she wasn’t allowed to say anything negative about the school) and that’s why the mic was cut, even as the school didn’t know what she was going to say. She also notes — correctly — that it was a pretty scary thing for her to continue to go through with the speech she wanted to give, despite being warned (for what it’s worth, decades ago, when I was in high school, I ended up in two slightly similar situations, with the administration demanding I edit things I was presenting — in one case I caved and in one I didn’t — and to this day I regret caving). Indeed, she deserves incredible kudos for still agreeing to give her speech, and it’s great to see the Streisand Effect make so many more people aware of (1) her speech and (2) what a bunch of awful people the administrators at her school are for shutting her speech down.

As for the various administrators, their defense of this action is ridiculous. They’re quoted in a few places, but let’s take the one from the Washington Post:

“In Lulabel’s case, her approved speech didn’t include any reference to an assault,” [Principal David Stirrat] said. “We certainly would have considered such an addition, provided no individuals were named or defamed.”

As Seitz notes, she never intended to name names, and the school had told her so many times not to talk about these things it was obvious to her that she wouldn’t have been able to give that speech if she had submitted the full version. In the ABC interview she explained that rather than just letting the valedictorian speak as normal, the school had actually told her she had to “apply” to speak.

Dave Rose, an assistant superintendent, told the Press Democrat that he could remember only one other time that administrators had disconnected a microphone during a student’s graduation speech in the past seven years, but said he believed it was legal.

“If the school is providing the forum, then the school has the ability to have some control over the message,” Rose said.

Actually, that’s not how the First Amendment works. Schools can limit some things, but not if it’s based on the content of the message, which appears to be the case here. Of course, I doubt that Seitz is going to go to court over this as it’s not worth it, but thanks to the Streisand Effect, she doesn’t need to. The world has learned about her speech… and about how ridiculous the administrators are in her school district.

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