Tag Archive for: Terrorism

Intelligence system FAIL, Tsarnaev wiretapped & listed in terrorism database

The Associated Press reported that Tamerlan Tsarnaev showed up on US intelligence’s radar about 18 months ago. The CIA wanted Tsarnaev’s name added to the terrorist database, which is “called TIDE, the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment,” after the Russian government contacted the agency in September 2011 with concerns that he had become a follower of radical Islam.”
Ms. Smith’s blog

Terrorism Fear button and funding: Ridiculous DHS spending

Did you hear the joke about how terrorists infiltrated a pumpkin parade? How about the one where security sno-cone machines stopped a terrorist plot from being launched? Me either, but the “joke” is on us since we helped foot the $ 34,700 bill for both.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Facebook Terrorism? Ex-Marine arrested, 9-11 conspiracy posts ‘terrorist in nature’

There are conspiracy theorists who believe 9/11 was an inside job. I don’t really follow that news, but can people be arrested after saying so online, after exercising their First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech? On August 16, the FBI, Secret Service and the Chesterfield Police arrested a decorated former U.S. Marine for “airing his critical views of the U.S. Read more

Ms. Smith’s blog

Microsoft & NYPD launch an all-seeing Big Brother crime & terrorism prevention system

It’s well known that Microsoft has a good relationship with law enforcement and intelligence agencies. It also has developed Public Safety & National Security Solutions. “Microsoft has quietly become one of the world’s largest providers of integrated intelligence solutions for police departments and security agencies,” Fast Company reported. Read more

Ms. Smith’s blog