Tag Archive for: Terrorist

Feds monitor Facebook: What you ‘Like’ may make you a terrorist

Have you ever “liked” something on Facebook that you don’t particularly like, but you are showing your support for a social media “friend”? The devil is indeed in the details and there are literally hundreds of words that are monitored by DHS.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Surveillance State: From Inside Secret FBI Terrorist Screening Room to TrapWire Training

Joe Wolverton wrote an article on The New American about how TrapWire training courses might reveal the possible purpose for its creation. “The scope and significance of TrapWire, the size of it cannot be exaggerated.” Read more

Ms. Smith’s blog

Feds Warn of Zombie Apocalypse! Buy emergency kit, but you might be a terrorist if…

How do you kill a zombie? No, not a zombie process killed via command line, but the brain-eating kind. Boom, headshot! Right? Read more

Ms. Smith’s blog

Facebook Terrorism? Ex-Marine arrested, 9-11 conspiracy posts ‘terrorist in nature’

There are conspiracy theorists who believe 9/11 was an inside job. I don’t really follow that news, but can people be arrested after saying so online, after exercising their First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech? On August 16, the FBI, Secret Service and the Chesterfield Police arrested a decorated former U.S. Marine for “airing his critical views of the U.S. Read more

Ms. Smith’s blog