Is Hp recovery disk will remove permanently security tool from my computer?

I want to know if I run Hp recovery disk security tool in my computer. security tool will be removed or no? I tried to many programs such as secuina personal software inspector, spy doctor, anti malware. But I still have infections in my pc.
Thank you

What is the best security system for my computer?

I need help selecting a security system for my computer.
Please include the name of it, price, and any additional details you see as important!

I already did research on Norten, so no information on that.

Thank You.

Mobile phones now becoming a target for cyber attacks – Monsters and Critics

The biggest threat for PC users in the eyes of the BSI president are botnets, private computers that have been infested with viruses to be remote controlled and misused to attack other computers. That makes it very important to protect your computer …
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How can I remove System Security from My Computer?

How can I remove System Security from My Computer? I tryied but it doesn’t let me open .exe programs! And I click on find, search System security and all the result that appear I delete them but System Security is still there? Please help. How can I remove it? THANKS!