How many security programs should you have on your computer?

I am completely technology illiterate and I don’t know the difference between firewall protection and antivirus protection and spyware protection and whatever other type of protection there is out there! If you would please explain the diferences to me and tell me the ones that I should have on my computer. Also, the security program I have on my computer is fixing to expire so if there are any good security programs I can download for free that would be greatly appreciated as well!

Viruses of the Mind – Associated Content

… virus will attack the most vulnerable area of it’s host … Dawkins compares the virus of Christianity to a computer virus, stating that, “successful mind viruses will tend to be hard for their victims to detect. If you are the victim of one,
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should COMPUTER SECURITY be required learning?

every school / university has certain classes most students HAVE to take. given the extreme lack of knowledge of computer security shouldn’t even a remedial course be one of them?

Is Your Computer Protected Against Viruses? – Computer Security News

The purpose of creating a virus is to carry out hostile intentions by corrupting files, to know the browsing habits of the user, to take control of the computer for nefarious activities such as denial of service attacks for extortion, sending spam mails,
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