Can Facebook Users Receive $17500 Each Over a ‘Data Breach’?

  1. Can Facebook Users Receive $ 17500 Each Over a ‘Data Breach’?
  2. Facebook users sue over personal data breach in Cambridge Analytica case  Los Angeles Times
  3. Almost 3 million EU citizens hit by Facebook data breach  Sky News
  4. Mark Zuckerberg on Facebook’s hardest year, and what comes next  Vox
  5. The Facebook data breach is a scandal of our own making. Legally, there’s nothing we can do about it.
  6. Full coverage

data breach – read more

A new Mirai-style botnet is targeting the financial sector

  1. A new Mirai-style botnet is targeting the financial sector  ZDNet
  2. Mirai variant botnet launches IoT DDoS attacks on financial sector  TechRepublic
  3. Variant of Mirai botnet used to target financial sector in January  BetaNews
  4. Full coverage

botnet – read more