Cyber Security News Weekly Round-Up Vulnerabilities & Cyber Attacks

Our weekly summary of cybersecurity news provides information on the most recent threats, vulnerabilities, innovations, attacks, dangers, and stories in the field.

It also discusses possible upcoming malicious tactics that can threaten the devices and make you take defensive measures just in time.

This is important as it enables us to put appropriate security measures in place on time consequently being defensive.

In addition, this continuing situational comprehension promotes a comprehensive perception that ensures proper system strengthening against ever-changing threat matrixes and risk management.

Bondnet Using High-Performance Bots For C2 Server

    Threat actors are leveraging high-performance bots to execute large-scale automated attacks. These bots can flood systems, steal information, and conduct sophisticated cyber operations autonomously. Bondnet has been using these bots for C2 servers, configuring reverse RDP environments on compromised systems source.

    Discord-Based Malware Attacking Linux Systems in India

      A Pakistani-based threat actor, UTA0137, has been using Discord-based malware, DISGOMOJI, to target Linux systems in India. This malware uses emojis for command and control communications and exploits the DirtyPipe vulnerability in BOSS Linux systems source.

      New Moonstone Sleet North Korean Actor Deploying Malicious Open Source Packages

        Moonstone Sleet, a North Korean threat actor, has been targeting the open-source software supply chain by distributing malicious NPM packages. These packages are designed to execute their payload immediately upon installation, targeting both Windows and Linux systems source.

        SmokeLoader Modular Malware Capabilities

          SmokeLoader, a modular malware, has been observed with enhanced capabilities, including credential theft, system information gathering, and the ability to download additional payloads. This malware is being used in various cyber espionage campaigns source.

          Hackers Abuse Windows Search

            Cybercriminals are exploiting Windows Search to deliver malware. By manipulating search results, they can trick users into downloading and executing malicious files, leading to system compromise source.

            Black Basta Actors Exploited Windows…
