How to get phone calls without sharing your real number

No matter how long you’ve had your phone number, it’s never too late to start being more discreet with it.

How many people and companies have your phone number if you had to guess? Maybe a hundred? Think again.

Want to be shocked? Your cellphone and landline number (if you still have one) are probably posted online where I found mine – at a people search site that doesn’t cost a dime. Tap or click here for 4 sites that let you search for phone numbers.

By the way, should you find your phone number at the No. 1 site on that list, take these steps to remove it.

Your phone number can do a lot of damage in the wrong hands. It’s an easy way for someone to connect you to a leaked password or even intercept your two-factor authentication codes. Tap or click for a safer way to lock down your accounts.
