Malware targeting Indian govt agencies discovered using emojis on discord, ET CISO

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Linux malware, dubbed ‘DISGOMOJI‘, has been discovered using emojis through Discord to control infected devices. Cybersecurity firm Volexity identified the malware, linking it to a Pakistan-based threat actor known as ‘UTA0137’, which targets Indian government agencies.

“In 2024, Volexity identified a cyber-espionage campaign undertaken by a suspected Pakistan-based threat actor that Volexity currently tracks under the alias UTA0137,” the firm reported. “We assess with high confidence that UTA0137 has espionage-related objectives targeting government entities in India. Based on our analysis, UTA0137’s campaigns have been successful.”

The malware, found within a UPX-packed ELF executable in a ZIP archive likely distributed via phishing emails, targets the BOSS Linux distribution used by Indian agencies, though it can also infect other Linux distributions.

Upon execution, the malware displays a decoy PDF—purportedly a beneficiary form from India’s Defence Service Officer Provident Fund—while secretly downloading additional payloads, including the DISGOMOJI malware and a shell script named ‘’ designed to steal data from USB drives.

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DISGOMOJI exfiltrates system information such as IP address, username, hostname, operating system, and current working directory, sending this data back to the attackers. The malware uses the open-source discord-c2 project for command and control, allowing attackers to issue commands using emojis through Discord channels, potentially evading security software that scans for text-based commands.

  • Published On Jun 18, 2024 at 09:32 AM IST
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