Senior politicians like Truss and Braverman are taking risks with digital security

Tony Blair didn’t get his first mobile phone until after he’d left office in 2007. A year later, on becoming president, Barack Obama was asked to give up his Blackberry and refused. Hillary Clinton, as is rather well known, occasionally used her own private email account.

While he was prime minister, Boris Johnson carried on using the same mobile phone number he has had for decades. It was well known to practically everyone in politics and the media, who had been texting him on it for years, and had been hiding in plain sight on some corner of the internet. He is, apparently, using it again now.

Suella Braverman has not merely been emailing classified documents to people who are not cleared to see them, via her private Gmail account. She has also been accidentally emailing said documents to people she did not even intend to send them to, and then sending a follow-up email asking them to “delete and ignore”.
