Serious Security: Hacking Windows passwords via your wallpaper

Our cybersecurity antennae always start vibrating when we see warnings about attacks that involve a new type of file.
We’re sure you have the same sort of reaction.
After all, if a file type that you’ve treated for years as mostly harmless suddenly turns out to be possibly very dangerous, you’re faced with a double dilemma:
We’re all aware of the risks posed by unknown EXE files, for example, because EXE is the extension for native Windows programs – even the operating system itself is implemented as a collection of EXEs.
Most of us also know to be wary of DLLs, which are actually just a special type of EXE file with a different extension to denote that they’re usually used in combination with other programs, rather than loaded on their own.
We’ve learned to be wary of DOCs and DOCXs and all the other Office filetypes, too, because they can include embedded programs called macros.
We’re also aware of a range of risky script files such as JS (for JavaScript), VBS (Visual Basic Script), PS1 (Powershell) and many others that are plain old text files to the untrained eye, but are treated as a series of system commands when processed by Windows itself.
We’ve even taught ourelves to be wary of the extent to which Windows itself misleads us because of its default approach to filenames – as in the case of the files alert and alert.txt below, which go out of their way to convince us they’re just innocent text:
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Forget what they look like: those old-school icons on the left that give the impression of being medieval scrolls don’t denote plain old written text at all.
Ironically, however, the icon in the middle that looks like a crisply modern digital document, and that goes with a file that’s actually called document, really is a text file.
By default, Windows suppresses filename extensions, which are the all-important characters that follow the last dot in a filename, such as the .docx at the end of the Word file TaxReturn.docx or the .exe at the end of the program Notepad.exe.
Annoyingly, Windows itself very often uses extensions to decide what to do when you click on a file – for example, whether to view it harmlessly or to execute it…
