Tag Archive for: Admits

Beijing government admits detaining Japan-based Chinese scholar for alleged … – The Japan Daily Press

The Japan Daily Press

Beijing government admits detaining Japan-based Chinese scholar for alleged
The Japan Daily Press
China's Foreign Ministry admitted on Wednesday that they have scholar Zhu Jianrong in custody under investigations for alleged espionage. Zhu moved to Japan in 1986 and has become an active commentator regarding the issues on the disputed islands in 
UPDATE1 China admits Japan-based Chinese scholar Zhu Jianrong under probeGlobalPost

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Espionage China – read more

Ctrl+Alt+Del ‘was a mistake’ admits Bill Gates, who said ‘no’ about returning as CEO

At a Harvard fundraising campaign, Harvard Campaign co-chair David Rubenstein, asked Bill Gates, “Why, when I want to turn on my software and computer, do I need to have three fingers on Ctrl+Alt+Delete? What is that — where does that come from? Whose idea was that?”
Ms. Smith’s blog

Exclusive: Army Admits To Major Computer Security Flaw – BuzzFeed

Exclusive: Army Admits To Major Computer Security Flaw
The United States Army's Deputy of Cybersecurity Roy Lundgren has confirmed with BuzzFeed the existence of a major computer security flaw that enables unauthorized access to users without proper security clearance. They say the best fix is to make 
An IT Flaw Has Let Unauthorized Users Exploit Army PCs for YearsGizmodo

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“computer security” – read more

Microsoft admits to being hacked too

Once upon a time, Microsoft claimed that falling prey to social engineering tactics and then being hacked was a “rookie mistake.” But now is the time for companies to jump on the bandwagon, to admit they were targeted by cyberattacks and successfully infiltrated. The stage is so crowded with ‘giants’ at this point, that there are fewer ‘bad press’ repercussions than if only one major company had admitted…
Ms. Smith’s blog