Tag Archive for: adware

Adware Medic Removes Macintosh Malware

Mac: Although Macs don’t often get malware, they aren’t immune. If you don’t have a good Mac antivirus program installed, or something slipped through, Adware Medic removes common nasties. Adware Medic is an on-demand anti-malware scanner (rather than an …
mac hacker – read more

Snapchat the Bait; Adware the Delivery – Infosecurity Magazine

Snapchat the Bait; Adware the Delivery
Infosecurity Magazine
We're not in Kansas anymore: The third quarter of 2012 saw a marked increase in Android adware, while new evidence surfaced suggesting that the Zeus-in-the-Mobile (Zitmo) banking trojan is evolving into a botnet. And, Romanian hackers are continuing to 

android botnet – read more

Google pulls all Android apps linked to adware badness THAT MUST NOT BE … – Register

Google pulls all Android apps linked to adware badness THAT MUST NOT BE
The new product, FireEye Mobile Threat Prevention, based on virtual machine-based threat protection and targeted at securing the Android platform, is due to be generally available by the end of 2013. The launch of This means a skilled hackers might

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android botnet – read more

Android adware that MUST NOT BE NAMED threatens MILLIONS – Register

Android adware that MUST NOT BE NAMED threatens MILLIONS
A popular mobile ad library used by multiple Android apps poses a severe malware threat, researchers at infosec firm FireEye have warned. The security researchers said that altogether 200 million affected apps had been downloaded. This ad library 

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android botnet – read more