Tag Archive for: Allowed

Case against Yahoo data breaches allowed to proceed – Financial Times

Financial Times

Case against Yahoo data breaches allowed to proceed
Financial Times
Yahoo must face litigation on behalf of the more than a billion users whose personal information was compromised in a massive data breach, a US judge has ruled. The internet company now known as Oath, after it was bought by Verizon for $ 4.5bn this year

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data breach – Google News

Man sues Verizon for $72 million, says negligence allowed him to commit ID theft

Verizon thumb

A Florida inmate feels it is Verizon’s negligence that allowed him to steal another man’s identity, which in turn led to his arrest and a 10-year prison sentence.

David Bisson reports.

Graham Cluley

Facebook bug allowed attackers to change Messenger content

Facebook messenger thumb

Want to change or delete a message after it has been sent? This Facebook bug lets you do just that.

David Bisson reports.

Graham Cluley