Tag Archive for: argues

Android security relies on ZOMBIE CRYPTO, argues infosec pundit – Register

Android security relies on ZOMBIE CRYPTO, argues infosec pundit
A German researcher is asking why Google is using the “horribly broken” RC4 and MD5 cipher as its first-default for SSL. The change, he notes in this blog post, has gone unnoticed since December 2010, when the Android 2.3 release swapped from a default 

“android security” – read more

Shaming America in Europe, US Gov’t argues against citizens’ privacy protections

Due to the new privacy laws that the EU is working on, the ACLU’s Jay Stanley and Ben Wizner are in Europe. “Unlike the United States, Europe has a set of basic rules and institutions in place to protect individuals’ privacy, and is trying to update its existing rules and institutions for the digital age,” the ACLU wrote.
Ms. Smith’s blog