Tag Archive for: Bitcoin

Bitcoin startups pan for gold in cryptocurrency economy

Insert a dollar, get some microbitcoins with Lamassu’s Bitcoin Machine
Sean Gallagher

In a sideshow within a marketing sideshow here at CES—the “Bitcoin pavilion” at an event called the Startup Debut—a small collection of Bitcoin-related startups showed off various attempts to capitalize (and monetize) on the interest in the crypto-currency.

One of those companies is Lamassu, the creators of a device that works the opposite way—it lets people turn hard currency into bitcoins, sent directly to their chosen address. The Bitcoin Machine, the creation of brothers and co-founders Josh and Zach Harvey, is an automated bitcoin “reverse-ATM.” Simply scan the QR code for your Bitcoin digital wallet, insert bills into the machine, and it will transfer the matching value (at current market rates) of bitcoins to you (minus a small transaction commission).

The machine runs an embedded Linux OS on an ARM processor, but the actual transactions take place on Lamassu’s servers. So far, over 130 have been sold worldwide, and 43 have been deployed everywhere from Canada to Kyrgyzstan.

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Ars Technica » Technology Lab

Google acknowledges Android security issue that led to Bitcoin theft – SlashGear


Google acknowledges Android security issue that led to Bitcoin theft
Earlier this month, it surfaced that Bitcoin wallets based on Android were vulnerable to being robbed, something Bitcoin.org warned users about in a security advisory. In the advisory, the organization stated that the problem originated from a security
Android's Bitcoin-wallet-busting security bug gets patchedGigaOM
Google patches Android after Bitcoin wallet issueInfoWorld (blog)
Google Admits Android Security Problem – but it May Never be FixedIBTimes.co.uk
CNET –Ars Technica –ZDNet (blog)
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“android security” – read more

Android random number flaw implicated in Bitcoin thefts – Naked Security

Android random number flaw implicated in Bitcoin thefts
Naked Security
Its "coins" are strings of bits, and anyone can generate one, given enough time (and assuming no-one else generates the same coin first). The calculations required to "mine" a Bitcoin are configured so that the complexity of finding them doubles every

“android security” – read more

Google confirms critical Android crypto flaw used in $5700 Bitcoin heist – Ars Technica

Ars Technica

Google confirms critical Android crypto flaw used in $ 5700 Bitcoin heist
Ars Technica
which is one of the programming services for generating random numbers provided by the JCA. Contrary to many earlier reports, the flaw affects all versions of Android not just 4.2 and earlier, Android Security Engineer Adrian Ludwig told Ars.
Google confirms Android flaw that led to Bitcoin theftCNET
Google Confirms Security Compromise in Android Apps Using Java App Developer Magazine
Android SecureRandom Bitcoin wallet vulnerability could be used to hack more V3.co.uk

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“android security” – read more