Tag Archive for: blames

BCPS blames ransomware cyberattack for W-2 form confusion

In Baltimore County, there is an issue with employee W-2 statements. It turns out the state of Pennsylvania actually appeared on the forms, which caused quite a bit of confusion.More than 18,000 school employees have been asking for answers as they should expect new W-2 forms online and in the mail.The issue turned up in February: First with a systemwide W-2 statement delay, and that was followed by concerns over why another state’s name was included on Maryland’s employees tax forms. It became a major concern for Baltimore County teachers who make up half of the district’s payroll.“Initially, we were getting the calls because there were wages in Maryland and Pennsylvania and people, of course, did not live in both states,” Teachers Association of Baltimore County President Cindy Sexton said.School officials blame the November 2020 ransomware cyberattack for the form foul up. The apparent breach all but crippled internal school operations, including payroll. So, what went out to employees raised a lot of concerns.“A number of our employees were simply not familiar with the look and feel and the information that was being presented on the new W-2 form,” Baltimore County Public Schools spokesman Charles Herndon said.And now new W-2 tax statements are being re-issued with corrections.“It shouldn’t be a problem with these new W-2 forms that we just released, as well as the current ones we are using as well,” Herndon said.“We’re glad that they are making them available for people. It would have been nice to have it sooner, it would have saved us all a lot of angst, but at least it is in the works now that they will be available,” Sexton said.The union says it’s gotten assurances from Maryland’s comptroller’s office that it’s working with Pennsylvania for employee extensions and the waiving of penalties and interest.Baltimore County said those new statements should be up online in the next day or so if not sooner.Due to the errors made on the W-2 forms, the state comptroller has agreed to extend the period of time for which BCPS employees may report and pay their income taxes to the state from April 15 to July 15. Read the full letter here.Meanwhile, for…


Former Government Cybersecurity Head Blames Russian Intelligence For Massive Hack

Christopher Krebs, the former top cybersecurity official in the U.S., says Russia is to blame for a massive breach that’s affected the State Department, the Pentagon, the Treasury Department, the Department of Homeland Security and other departments and agencies.

“I understand it is, in fact, the Russians,” Krebs told Steve Inskeep on Morning Edition.

“It’s the Russian SVR, which is their foreign intelligence service. They are really the best of the best out there. They’re a top flight cyber intelligence team, and they used some very sophisticated techniques to really find the seams in our cyberdefenses here in the United States and seem to be quite successful in penetrating some very sensitive places.”

Determining blame for cyberattacks is complex. The agency Krebs led until November, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, described the hackers as “patient, well-resourced, and focused,” but did not blame any one entity.

But Krebs joins Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Attorney General William Barr, and lawmakers including Sens. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., Jack Reed, D-R.I., and Mitt Romney, R-Utah, in pointing toward Russia as the culprit.

President Trump has instead suggested China could be behind the hack.

Trump fired Krebs in November after Krebs said the November election was secure and free of interference.

Krebs talked with NPR about how the hack happened, if it’s an “attack” or “espionage,” and how the U.S. should respond. Here are excerpts:

When I think about Internet security as a layman, I’m aware that one of the easiest ways to get at me would be … that I’m offered some update that’s not an update or asked to click on a link that’s not really what it purports to be. Does it surprise you that the government was caught in this rather straightforward way?

I actually would maybe characterize it a little bit differently in that the majority of attacks these days or cyber compromises are getting someone to click on a link via an email or open an attachment. And that’s really attempting to come in through the front door.

This is a little bit different in that it is a supply chain compromise and they’re exploiting trusted relationships between the government in…


Taiwan blames Chinese APTs for hacking campaign. GoldenSpy’s operators are trying to cover their tracks. Vishing attacks spike following Twitter hack. – The CyberWire

Taiwan blames Chinese APTs for hacking campaign. GoldenSpy’s operators are trying to cover their tracks. Vishing attacks spike following Twitter hack.  The CyberWire
“cyber warfare news” – read more

Israel blames Iran for attack on water infrastructure, vows response that breaks ‘all the codes of … – The Nation

Israel blames Iran for attack on water infrastructure, vows response that breaks ‘all the codes of …  The Nation
“cyber warfare news” – read more