Tag Archive for: Contributor

IDG Contributor Network: Fiber map sheds light on infrastructure trends and weaknesses

If you’ve ever wondered just where the fiber conduits that carry our Internet traffic run, wonder no more. Researchers have created a map.

Four years in the making, the map, sourced in part from public records, shows the long-haul fiber that carries Internet data around the country. Additionally, locations where multiple cables connect are shown.

This kind of map has never existed before.

Internet infrastructure

Not much is known about “today’s physical Internet infrastructure,” the researchers say.

So they delved in and, through a collection of Tier-1 ISP and cable company maps combined with public records, started to construct a map of the long-haul fiber network (PDF).

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Network World Security

IDG Contributor Network: Quantum computing breakthrough renews concerns of cybersecurity apocalypse

The term “cryptopocalypse” was probably first coined at the Black Hat USA information security convention in 2013.

A talk presented by four security and technology experts at the show explored cryptographic weaknesses and attempted to answer the hypothetical question: “What happens the day after RSA is broken?

RSA is a widely used public-key cryptosystem used in digital signatures.

The answer, they determined then, was: “almost total failure of trust in the Internet,” for one thing. The reason? Almost everything we do on the Internet is in some way protected by cryptography.

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Network World Security