Tag Archive for: CounterPunch

Did the US Accidentally Give the World’s Most Powerful Cyberweapon to … – CounterPunch

Did the US Accidentally Give the World's Most Powerful Cyberweapon to
Wiper, according to Kaspersky, bore a distinct resemblance to acknowledged US/Israeli jointly-developed anti-Iran malware like Stuxnet. Just as a reminder, in a speech to business bigwigs, … The NSA document from April 2013, published today by The

flame malware – read more

Cyberwarfare Exceptionalism – CounterPunch

Cyberwarfare Exceptionalism
Cyberwarfare exemplifies the Obama approach to American greatness. Strike from a distance (just as armed drones are directed by “pilots” often 8,000 miles away), both to elevate the role of technology in more sanitized destruction, and inflict maximum

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China, Cyberespionage and Cyberwarfare – CounterPunch

Christian Science Monitor

China, Cyberespionage and Cyberwarfare
The fact is that the United States government has already shown signs of an energetic capacity for cyber war, as in the case of Stuxnet, the software worm that the U.S., working with Israel, is believed to have used to disrupt Iran's uranium-enrichment
Cyberwarfare: US uses Hacking Allegations to Escalate Threats against ChinaCenter for Research on Globalization
Wanted: global rules on cyberwarfareChristian Science Monitor
The Great CyberWarfare ScamAntiwar.com
The Fiscal Times –RT
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