Tag Archive for: EXNSA

Ex-NSA Hackers Explain — Why You Do And Don’t Want The NSA To Help FBI Crack iPhones

“What they’re asking from Apple is pretty much as bad as it gets.” The NSA could and should help the FBI, says Aitel, suggesting to FORBES other nations’ hackers could assist too. “If this was a piece of Russian equipment, how would we do tha
mac hacker – read more

EX-NSA director: China dominates cyber espionage – Atlanta Journal Constitution

EX-NSA director: China dominates cyber espionage
Atlanta Journal Constitution
After that, espionage campaigns arose. Some were likely state-sponsored, as governments have been launching high-tech offensives since at least the '80s. Now interest in cyber spying has intensified over conjecture that recent breaches at health

Espionage China – read more

Ex-NSA Researcher Finds Sneaky Way Past Apple Mac’s Gatekeeper

It is, he added, a cunning way to bypass Mac OS X Gatekeeper protections and allow “hackers to go back to their old tricks”. “When the injected legitimate application is launched the unsigned malicious dylib is loaded or executed (even if the user …
mac hacker – read more

EX-NSA chief Michael Hayden got schooled on how much eavesdropping stinks

Man it sure does stink to be spied on, just ask former CIA and NSA Director Michael Hayden how it feels to be a victim of eavesdropping.
Ms. Smith’s blog