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What To Do When You Lose Your Credit Card – Forbes Advisor

Nothing quite induces panic quicker than misplacing your wallet or credit card. Immediately, you launch into a necessary to-do list to protect your identity, minimize fraudulent charges and replace missing items.

Thankfully, losing a credit card is often more inconvenient than precarious, but it is still crucial to take these necessary steps.

At a Glance

  • Retrace your steps—Go back to where you last used the card or accessed your wallet.
  • Deactivate Your Card—Once you know that the card is missing, reach out to your credit card provider immediately to lock or deactivate your card.
  • Request a Replacement—A new card will be sent to your billing address.
  • Update Automatic Bill Pay—Update your credit card information for any auto payments you have set to bill to that card.

Retrace your Steps

In a moment of stress it can be easy to miss the obvious first step: Take a moment to go back to where you last used the card to determine if it was simply misplaced.

The mobile app for your credit card may allow you to lock the card while it is out of your control.  A locked card will give you a greater sense of calm while you look for it. Once you find the card, keep an eye out for unauthorized transactions that may have occurred while the card was out of your possession.

If you identify any fraudulent charges, contact your card provider immediately.

Deactivate Your Card

If your card is lost or stolen, contact your credit card provider online, by phone or through its mobile app—as quickly as possible. Thankfully, many credit cards offer zero liability to their users protecting them from unauthorized purchases. If your card provider does not offer this protection the Fair Credit Billing Act still limits card liability to $50.

Reporting a lost debit card is especially important, as the liability protections are not as strong on debit cards as credit cards. Ideally, you should report the loss before any unauthorized purchase can be made. Otherwise, make sure to report it no more than 2 business days after you learn about the loss or theft.

Assuming you have not also lost your cell phone, you can use it to readily access your account and lock or deactivate your…


Make Peace With Your Internet Passwords – Forbes Advisor UK

We’ve all been there. Eager to quickly log-in to check your bank balance or to checkout while shopping online, you reach the “enter password” step – and your mind goes blank.

The next (weary) step is to reset your password. To make it easier to remember the next time, it’s tempting to fall back on to the trusty name and number combo that you use for your email, social media accounts and work laptop.

But resist, as this could open you up to all kinds of problems if one of your accounts is hacked.

To help you make your internet passwords simpler and more secure, here we take a look at why it’s so important to get them right, the dos and don’ts of choosing passwords, and the tools that could make your online life easier.

What is an internet password?

We store so much information about ourselves online, whether in our emails, on social media platforms, via online banking or on shopping sites, that it’s important to password-protect accounts.

This means that to access these accounts, you’ll usually need to enter both your email address or username and a password of your choosing.

Why are internet passwords important?

Unfortunately, there are cyber criminals who are looking to exploit weaknesses in your online accounts, in order to steal data about you so they can commit identity fraud or to gain access to your bank account.

So, it’s important to choose a password that’s hard to guess to prevent leaving yourself open to being hacked online.

Dos and don’ts of choosing an internet password

To keep your online accounts secure, follow our dos and don’ts when deciding on your password.


  • use at least 10 characters for any password and make sure these characters are a combination of upper and lowercase letters, symbols and numbers
  • think especially carefully about the password you use for your email account as, with access to this, it might be possible for a fraudster to change your other online passwords
  • National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recommends connecting three random, but memorable, words together to form a strong password, with special characters to make it even tougher to crack
  • make sure your software and…


Feds Move To Seize Cryptocurrency Accounts Linked To North Korean Hacker Heists – Forbes

Feds Move To Seize Cryptocurrency Accounts Linked To North Korean Hacker Heists  Forbes
“cyber warfare news” – read more