Tag Archive for: HighEnd

Gauss, Flame Highlight Problem of Defeating High-End Malware – Threatpost (blog)


Gauss, Flame Highlight Problem of Defeating High-End Malware
Threatpost (blog)
But, as the discovery of tools such as Flame and Gauss suggests, there's a lot of stuff bubbling under the surface that mostly goes unseen. Malware obviously is not one of those unknowns. It's been an issue for 25 years and it's not going anywhere
Kaspersky pleads for crypto help to probe Gauss malwareComputerworld
Gauss Cyber-Spy Trojan Gives Rise to Many Theories, No AnswerseWeek
Bitdefender releases tool for removing Gauss financial malwareZDNet (blog)
Wired News –PC Magazine –GCN.com
all 84 news articles »

flame malware – read more