Tag Archive for: holes

Belkin fixes WeMo security holes, updates firmware and app

If you’ve made the decision to try home automation and WeMo, then you might have noticed that Belkin WeMo is like a potato chip; you can’t have just one. If you try it and like it, then the next thing you know, you have all sorts of WeMo devices. If that describes you, then you were probably a pretty unhappy camper after being told that Belkin chose not to respond about the security holes and therefore…
Ms. Smith’s blog

6 agencies under DHS rule still using Windows XP: IG finds DHS cybersecurity holes

The Department of Homeland Security, which is ultimately the agency responsible for battening down the hatches on U.S.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Android security holes worry FBI, DHS – CNET

ZDNet (blog)

Android security holes worry FBI, DHS
Users can mitigate by installing Android security suites on their devices. Rootkits also pose a massive threat. The DHS/FBI document notes that in late 2011, popular rootkit Carrier IQ was installed on millions of devices, including Apple iPhones
Millions of Android users vulnerable to security threats, say fedsZDNet (blog)
Public Intelligence releases Android threat warning from Homeland Security and SlashGear
US Government Memo Warns Authorities about Android Malware ThreatsThe Next Web

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August 2013 Patch Tuesday closed critical holes in Internet Explorer, Exchange, Windows

Eight security updates, three of which are rated critical, were released for this Patch Tuesday to address 23 vulnerabilities in Exchange, Internet Explorer and Windows. Microsoft recommends deploying MS13-059 and MS13-060 first.
Ms. Smith’s blog