Tag Archive for: Invisible

Invisible Russian cyberweapon stalked US and Ukraine since 2005, new … – Techworld.com

Invisible Russian cyberweapon stalked US and Ukraine since 2005, new
To be clear, this isn't any old malware. Snake is just too long-lived, too targeted, too sophisticated, too evasive, too innovative. It appears to be on par with any of the complex cyberweapons attributed to the US such as Flame, first analysed by

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flame malware – read more

Implanted RFID chips to implanted invisible headphones: Modded bodies and privacy

There are some people who would not only embrace a robotic overlord, but would actually like to become that overlord. Enhancing humans through augmentation might be a fringe movement right now, but many people believe it is inevitably our future.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Bahrain’s Invisible Arab Spring – Dissident Voice

Bahrain's Invisible Arab Spring
Dissident Voice
British software company Gamma supposedly developed FinSpy to assist governments agencies in “criminal investigations.” Thus it's curious how Bahrain and other repressive Middle East regimes got hold of it to monitor pro-democracy activists. FinSpy has

finspy – read more