Tag Archive for: Know

How do you know what kind of security is on your computer?

Recently had my family visit and they fooled around with some things. Still cleansing up! How can I be sure of any security my computer has on it?

How do i know my internet security is genuine?

I recently bought kaspersky internet security from ebay and its working fine.Just in case if i want to verify its authencity, how can i do so? how do i know i have original software and not a dummy or fake?

Know of any good computer security research group websites?

Know of any good computer security research group websites? Well, do yuh?
Stuff along the lines of expoit and vulnerability development/research, good stuff :)

Anyone know of a good computer security website?

I’ve been getting into network security and penetration testing, and I was wondering if anyone knew of any good, fairly active websites with topics relating to that?