Tag Archive for: Korean

Current North Korean cyber-warfare threat to South Korea would be key to … – IHS Jane’s 360

IHS Jane’s 360

Current North Korean cyberwarfare threat to South Korea would be key to
IHS Jane’s 360
Part of the appeal of cyber warfare for North Korea is likely to be the covert nature of such attacks, making them difficult to detect and, even if they are detected as a result of the disruption caused, to attribute responsibility with sufficient
Sony hack and cyber warfareLiberation
Cyber theft should be worrying us, not providing us entertainmentEconomic Times (blog)
Lawmakers: Sony hack just the beginningThe Hill
BREATHEcast –Beijing Review
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cyber warfare – read more

Sony hack: British university trained North Korean elite in computer security – Telegraph.co.uk


Sony hack: British university trained North Korean elite in computer security
Sony hack: British university trained North Korean elite in computer security. Westminster University provided bursaries worth £28,000 to teach computer skills to North Korea's top students. Westminster University said the scheme was intended to
Westminster University pays North Korean students £56k to learn computer Daily Mail

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“computer security” – read more

North Korean tactics in cyberwarfare exposed – CNET


North Korean tactics in cyberwarfare exposed
htdcybersec620x350610x344.jpg North Korea's Reconnaissance General Bureau is known for sending agents abroad for training in cyberwarfare. CNET. North Korea's cyberwarfare capabilities are on the rise despite being entrenched in aging infrastructure …
North Korea cyber warfare capabilities exposedZDNet
HP Warns of Growing North Korean Cyber MenaceInfosecurity Magazine
North Korea using foreign bases to launch cyberattacks, says HPPC World India

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cyber warfare – read more

North Korean leader plays Homefront on Xbox to practice taking over US

When Microsoft created Xbox and later Kinect, do you suppose the company thought its products would be used for war in a context other than gaming? Before we jump to South Korea using Kinect sensors to watch for invading enemies, let’s look at how North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is using his Xbox to practice “strategizing all-out nuclear war against the US.”
Ms. Smith’s blog