Tag Archive for: nsa

Reddit penalizes technology subreddit for censoring headlines about ‘spying’, ‘NSA’

I don’t visit Reddit every day, but when I do, I check out /r/technology. Over the weekend, I wondered why “technology” was no longer listed across the top of Reddit.
Ms. Smith’s blog

2013 top words include ‘drones,’ ‘surveillance,’ ‘NSA,’ ‘fail,’ ‘404’

If 1.83 billion English-speaking people online most frequently used the “word” 404, then that’s a lot of fail. And that might be why No. 1 is “404” and No. 2 is “Fail” in the list of top words for 2013.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Rockefeller: Be Wary of the NSA – GovInfoSecurity.com

Rockefeller: Be Wary of the NSA GovInfoSecurity.com “Our computer security experts do worry about this,” Gallagher said. “This is not going to be solved by NIST alone. One way we're doing this is, ..

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