Tag Archive for: often

Though ransomware persists in government — often unreported — experts say things are looking up

  1. Though ransomware persists in government — often unreported — experts say things are looking up  StateScoop
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Again, Algorithms Suck At Determining ‘Bad’ Content, Often To Hilarious Degrees

A few weeks back, Mike wrote a post detailing how absolutely shitty algorithms can be at determining what is “bad” or “offensive” or otherwise “undesirable” content. While his post detailed failings in algorithms judging such weighty content as war-crime investigations versus terrorist propaganda, and Nazi hate-speech versus legitimate news reporting, the central thesis in all of this is that relying on platforms to host our speech and content when those platforms employ very, very imperfect algorithms as gatekeepers is a terrible idea. And it leads to undesirable outcomes at levels far below those of Nazis and terrorism.

Take Supper Mario Broth, for instance. SMB is a site dedicated to fun and interesting information about Nintendo and its history. It’s a place that fans go to learn more weird and wonderful information about the gaming company they love. The site also has a Twitter account, which was recently flagged for posting the following tweet.

For the sin of tweeting that image out, the site’s entire account was flagged as “sensitive”, which means anyone visiting the account was greeted with a warning about how filthy it is. What Twitter’s systems thought was offensive about the image, which comes from another video from a costume company that works with Nintendo, is literally anyone’s guess. Nobody seems to be able to figure it out. My working theory is that the Princess Peach’s lips resemble too closely a more private part of the female anatomy and, when coupled with the flesh-colored face surrounding it sent Twitter’s algorithm screaming “Aaah! Vagina!” leading to the flagging of the account. But this is just a guess, because although the “sensitive” flag was eventually removed, SMB never got any response or explanation from Twitter at all.

SMB went as far as to test through dummy accounts whether the image was the entire problem. It was. After posting the image several times from other accounts, each account was flagged within minutes of the posting. It’s an algorithm doing this, in other words, and one which seems ill-suited to its task.

What we have here is two related problems. We have a company designed to let speakers speak employing an algorithm to flag offensive content, which it is doing very, very badly. We also have a company with a staff insufficiently capable to correct the errors of its incapable algorithm. This would be annoying in any context other than current reality, which sees rising calls for internet sites to automagically block “bad” content and do so with literally inhuman speed.

That means algorithms. But the algorithms can’t do the job. And with sites erring on the side of over-blocking to avoid scrutiny from both the public and governments, that means open communication is the loser in all of this. It’s hard to imagine an outcome more anathema to services like Twitter than that.

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Charter has moved millions of customers to new—and often higher—pricing

Enlarge / A Charter Spectrum vehicle. (credit: Charter)

Charter Communications has moved 30 percent of the customers it acquired in a blockbuster merger onto new pricing plans, resulting in many people paying higher prices.

Charter closed the acquisitions of Time Warner Cable (TWC) and Bright House Networks in May 2016. Before the merger, Charter had about 6.8 million customers; afterward, Charter had 25.4 million customers in 41 states and became the second-largest US cable company after Comcast.

The merger was quickly followed by customer complaints about pricing in the acquired territories. In November 2016, we noted that “tens of thousands of ex-Time Warner Cable video subscribers have canceled their service since the company was bought by Charter, and pricing changes appear to be the driving factor.” At the time, Charter CEO Thomas Rutledge explained that the TWC video customer base was “mispriced” and needed to be moved “in the right direction.”

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