Tag Archive for: Privacy

Scroogled: Microsoft launched ‘privacy’ petition to stop Google from scanning emails

“Think Google respects your privacy? Think again,” warned Microsoft’s ‘Don’t get Scroogled’ campaign. If you don’t want your privacy invaded by having Google scan “every word of every email,” then Microsoft says to use Outlook.com.
Ms. Smith’s blog

FTC outlines recommendations to improve mobile privacy – Silicon Valley Business Journal


FTC outlines recommendations to improve mobile privacy
Silicon Valley Business Journal
The Federal Trade Commission released a report today outlining ways that mobile device makers and app developers can better protect user privacy. The report focuses on bringing timely, easy-to-understand disclosures to users about the data being
FTC: App developers, stores should take new privacy stepsIDG News Service
US wants Amazon, Apple, BlackBerry, Google and Microsoft to get a grip on Network World
FTC Report Hints of Mobile Privacy ActionGovInfoSecurity.com

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National Cyber Security Alliance panel of privacy chiefs kicked off Data Privacy Day

Data Privacy Day is great since it highlights both privacy and security. The two topics used to easily be within the same category, but now are often at odds. The National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) kicked off Data Privacy Day 2013 with an event at the George Washington University Law School in Washington, D.C. that was streamed live on Facebook without requiring login.
Ms. Smith’s blog

Shaming America in Europe, US Gov’t argues against citizens’ privacy protections

Due to the new privacy laws that the EU is working on, the ACLU’s Jay Stanley and Ben Wizner are in Europe. “Unlike the United States, Europe has a set of basic rules and institutions in place to protect individuals’ privacy, and is trying to update its existing rules and institutions for the digital age,” the ACLU wrote.
Ms. Smith’s blog